Ready for
more Profits
Instantly increase sales up to 40% with our automations: recover abandoned cart, upselling, cross sell, post purchase, and machine learning

Why hundreds of stores use Zagomail

Easy & Quick Set Up
Connect your store to Zagomail with one click

Pre-Built Automations
Choose a prebuilt automation and customize your email content

Sales On Autopilot
drive sales automatically, upselling, retarget customers and much more...

Sell more and more
Increase your sales performance on daily basis and improve your customer retention.
Revenue & Sales Analytic
Get deep insight about your sales, products, and revenue
Automate Your Workflows
Use the power of our automation to retain, re-target, and re-engage your customers.
Solid customers segmentation
Deep insight about your customers behavior.
Know who are your loyal customers and send them upsells
Re-target your customers with products that might like
Re-engage your sleepy customers

Don't just take our word for it!
Thousands of professionals and business are already satisfied. Hear what some of they are saying!
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